What is this?

A feedback loop is a fundamental element of systems theory, wherein a process is constantly updated in response to its output. This feedback, both positive and negative, can be used to help adjust the behavior of the system over time. Feedback loops can be seen everywhere and in many shapes, from complex robotic control systems to the more familiar biological processes. As an adaptive process, they are an essential tool for creating systems able to interact with and learn from their changing environment.

See also: choice making, complex system, game theory, hill climbing, reciprocal narrowing

Deep Code: Jordan (Green)Hall Documentary 160,727

The Unfolding Meta-Crisis, Jordan Hall 40,346

The Paradox of the Times, with Jordan Hall 38,172

The Transition 28,523

Sam Harris, consciousness & the transcendent, Jonathan Pageau & Jordan Hall 17,683

Politics Decentralized: A new paradigm of governance (Jordan Greenhall) 17,284

Vervaeke & (Green)Hall: Bullshit & Simulated Thinking 16,720

'Apocalypse Now?' with Jordan Greenhall and Akira the Don 11,887

John Vervaeke & Jordan Hall: Explorations in Meaning 11,841